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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Free Money Software = $752,911.72 In Just 12 Click

I got this mail and thought of investigating a little bit. I typed at Snopes which returns 'Sorry, no matches were found containing myfreemoneyformula' .Then i turned to Google search with the keyword 'myfreemoney formula + fake' In makemoneyonline411 i concluded it's a spam.please read the review

"I bought the over-hyped, over-promised “My Free Money Formula” and I before I tell you what I got let me take you through the sales process.
First, after you make your initial purchase for $47, you’ll be upsold 4 times. Now it’s not like you can click on these pages somewhere to get out of the upsells. You are forced, you site through 5 minutes of video for each upsell. After 5 minutes the “buy now” button and the “no thanks, I’m not interested” links appear.
Now the software that comes with this garbage is an article submitter. This is the exact software I got when I purchased ClickBank Traffic Warrior. This software is not automatic by any means.  What I mean by that is that you don’t load an article and watch it get distributed all over the place. You have to wait for the software to load a category for your article and then pick the category and then hit submit.  You are going to be doing a lot of sitting by your computer and clicking.
Free Money Formula Review
When You See Over-Hyped B.S. - Stay Away
The internet net marketing “make money online” niche is really starting to get a bad name.  I have seen a ton of this reprocessed bullshit come out every three months with big launches and JV’s all over the place promoting this junk.
If found out about my free money formula when I got an email form being on Anik Singal’s list. I unsubscribed. He’s smart enough to know that this is complete and utter rubbish that he is promoting.
So if you are going to buy “My Free Money Formula” (
Don’t do it. Save your money!!!!! "


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